Do you not know that in a race all the runners run,but only one gets the prize?
Run in such a way as to get the prize.
1 Corinthians 9:24
The St. John’s Athletic Booster Club (ABC) was created in 2014 and is organized and operated for the charitable purpose of promoting and supporting St. John’s Lutheran School athletics and participating athletes.
ABC events include representation at the Annual Ice Cream Social, representation at St. John's tournaments, and an end of year Athletic Banquet. Other events and fundraisers are being discussed, so watch your email for an announcement!
We are always looking for people to serve in support of St. John's Athletic Booster Club. If you are interested, please contact ABC President Amy Maas.
Please support St. John’s outstanding athletic program by becoming a St. John’s Booster Club Sponsor. Donations support uniforms, supplies, referee and tournament fees, rental expenses and underwrite the end of the year Sports Banquet. With your tax deductible sponsorship, you will be recognized on the sponsor banner in the gym for helping continue the tradition of developing St. John’s student athletes learning to do God’s work through sports. Please click the link below for more information.
If you see an OPEN position or committee that you are interested in being a part of, please contact us! Not only will you be a blessing to St. John’s, it’s students, faculty and families - you will earn PIP hours for your service.
Athletic Director
Ex-Officio Member
Advisory Board Member
Advisory Board Member
K-4 Activities Coordinator